Einstein Symposium celebrates physics at the BA

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Alexandria, 16 May 2005—The year 1905 marks when Einstein published his five major papers on the special theory of relativity, Brownian motion and the quantum theory. It was for the quantum theory that he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize. To commemorate the centennial of 1905, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is organizing a symposium, 4-6 June 2005, in the UNESCO declared "World Year of Physics (WYP)". It will be honored by the presence of Nobel Laureates and world authorities.

WYP is a worldwide celebration of physics and its importance in our everyday life. Physics not only plays a significant role in the development of science and technology, but it also has a tremendous impact on our society. WYP aims to raise the worldwide awareness of physics and physical sciences. This year gives us the opportunity to celebrate Einstein, his great ideas, his influence, and how he changed our view of ourselves, our world and the universe at large.

Three main events will be held at the BA to celebrate physics. A Public Forum, addressing a wider audience, will cover two venues, namely science and society, and Einstein as a man and the legacy he left behind. A Scientific Symposium (closed sessions), co-organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton, will take place, with Professor Edward Witten chairing its organizing committee. In addition, an exhibition that includes rare pictures and copies of important documents, will shed light on Einstein’s personal and scientific life. Held till the end of 2005, it is prepared in coordination with the American Museum of Natural History.

The closed meeting at the BA will draw together participants from around the world to discuss the quest for a unified understanding of the laws of nature. With a program consisting of talks by specialists from many countries, along with extensive time for discussions, the goal will be to discuss where we are now and where we should aim to go in the coming years in seeking to fulfill Einstein’s dream.

Bringing the excitement of physics to the younger generation, the BA will organize a workshop for the children, and a scientific contest for the university students.

The official language of the symposium is English with simultaneous translation to Arabic.

Register to attend: http://www.bibalex.org/Einstein2005
