The PSC Organizes a Flight to Venus

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Alexandria— the BA Planetarium Science Center will organize on Monday, 23 October 2006 a lecture on Planet Venus or the Twin Planet as it is called by scientists. The lecture will include a description of the planet and its most important geological characteristics. The lecture will also tackle the most important attempts to study this planet, especially the Venus Express Spacecraft, which was launched to Venus on 9 November 2005 and will arrive within the planet"s orbit in April 2006.

The planet Venus is similar to Earth in size and mass and scientists call it our "Twin Planet”. Venus is the most famous planet in the solar system throughout history, because of its brightness. Venus is the brightest celestial body, especially during sunset and sunlight, that is why it was called the Heavens Star or the Morning Star.

The lecture will start at 10:00 hrs at the BA Auditorium.


© Bibliotheca Alexandrina